February 3 (Monday)
USDA Farmers to Families Food Distribution starting at 12:00 pm at the Bigler YMCA
February 5 (Wednesday)
Food Give Away for Veterans from 4-6 pm at the Clearfield VFW
Bible Study at the Parsonage at 6:00 pm
February 8 (Saturday)
Family Game Night at 5 – 8 pm at Lake Street UMC
February 9 (Sunday)
Sacrificial Offering at Pleasant Valley UMC
Trustees Meeting after worship service at Lake Street UMC
Souper Bowl after worship at Pleasant Valley UMC
February 12 (Wednesday)
Bible Study at the Parsonage at 6:00 pm
February 16 (Sunday)
Newsletter Articles due to Eunice
February 17 (Monday)
USDA Farmers to Families Food Distribution starting at 12:00 pm at the Bigler YMCA
February 19 (Wednesday)
Bible Study at the Parsonage at 6:00 pm
February 26 (Wednesday)
Bible Study at the Parsonage at 6:00 pm