Our Ministries
Family Fun Nights are one Saturday a month during the winter from 5 – 7 pm.
Sunday Brunches are one Sunday a month during the fall and winter months starting at 12 pm.
Yearly Souper Bowl luncheon at the church at 12 pm.
Mother’s Day Brunch at 12 pm.
Church Picnic each year in September.
Hat, Sock, and Mitten tree each year in October. They are given to a local charity.
Clearfield Fall Festival – Sale of Apple Dumplings and Gobs to support our ministry.
Trunk or Treat in the Parking lot at Lake Street during the township’s schedule time each year.
Blanket Month during the month of November.
World Hunger Sunday in November.
Christmas Party at the church during the month of December.

Celebrations during our Worship Service at Lake Street
Pentecost Sunday in May
Old Bradford Cemetery Outside Worship Service is held yearly in June.
Blessing of the backpacks to begin the new school year.
World Communion Sunday
Veterans Recognition Sunday in November.

Parish Events for both Lake Street and Pleasant Valley
Ash Wednesday Service
Easter Egg Hunt at Pleasant Valley’s Pavilion
Family Fun Day at Lower Witmer Park in Clearfield, PA
Maundy Thursday meal and service at Lake Street
Good Friday at Pleasant Valley
Workcamp in June
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service